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As I perceive it, Monegan was supplied a different submit but declined. Then, Gov. Palin did, the truth is, fireplace him. Look, I’ve nothing personal against the man. His father was a decorated Korean Conflict hero. Even he says that Gov. Palin never instructed him to fire Wooten. In hindsight, nonetheless, she ought to have reigned in Todd a bit. I can understand the frustration though. No legislation was damaged although. What part of “Governor Palin’s firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to rent and hearth executive branch division heads” do not you understand?! If it was for some unlawful motive ((corresponding to race, religion, gender), it wouldn’t be PROPER.
The report, given unanimously by a fee of 10 Republicans and 4 Democrats, concluded that Sarah Palin unlawfully and unethically abused her energy. That’s a easy, objective reality. That’s what the report mentioned. Interval. Now, you possibly can maybe disagree with the report – that is high quality. However it’s NOT wonderful to say the report “exonerated” Sarah Palin. Because the report didn’t try this. It objectively, factually, did not do this. So for Palin to assert that it did exonerate her, sure, objectively, fairly, unequivocally, that makes her a liar.
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